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Triple E refreshes and relaunches company website as

As a manufacturer and supplier of engineering solutions to the entertainment and creative arts sector, Triple E’s factory output has been mostly stalled as a result of the pandemic.

However, the management team have been making use of the time ensuring the business is match-ready for when the wheels of the industry start to turn again.  This has included finalising the development of a brand new website which has launched along with a new domain name –

Triple E refreshes and relaunches company website as

22 July 2020

Listening to feedback from clients about what they needed from the company website has been central to the new look site. features a customer friendly interface and clearer layout making it easy to navigate and inform the customer as they seek the products best suited to their project requirements.

“Engineering solutions are complex by their nature, and so with the launch of our new website we believe it will allow everyone to better understand the finer details of our product range and how Triple E products can expand the scope and scale of new, and on-going projects,” explains Lucy Edelstein, Deputy Director.

The team are confident that their new style website provides an excellent online platform for existing and new customers to explore the extensive range of engineering solutions that Triple E have been offering the industry for well over 30 years.

“During this difficult time we wanted to ensure that as things return to a new ‘normal’ we have the sales tools to ensure our dedicated team have every opportunity to resume production to pre-Covid levels. With trade shows currently on hold, the website portal is even more important in the sale and consultancy process for our current, and new customers seeking our expertise” continues Lucy. has also been updated to meet current internet design standards with an up-to-date graphical user interface, modernising the entire site and making it more user friendly – all with the aim of improving the user experience and to enable customers to find what they are looking for more easily.

Changing the style of the website has also meant an improved Quote Tool which can be easily updated as new products are added to the range. The full product range and list of services reflects the expanded machine shop capabilities, as well as providing the much-valued cording and rigging diagrams.

“We've also highlighted a number of case studies on the website to help inspire and inform. Throughout lockdown we have still kept the factory going albeit at far reduced levels with handling long term project work and dispatching orders around the world.  And so as more projects come back on line as we come out of lockdown we hope to be able to showcase even more feel-good stories about how Triple E products have contributed to new performance spaces, venues and other projects. We are keen to remind the industry that our creativity and experience can help solve design problems in exciting ways.”

In conclusion Lucy accepts that “it’s been a tough time for everyone in the industry and we continue to let people know we are here for them on many levels. Together we must stay safe and stay strong and we will all get through this.  We are confident that with its well-presented range of information and the powerful Quote Tool that allows a user to get a quote in a few seconds, this new website is going to be of great benefit to all our customers and clients as we all get back on track." 


NOTE:  Triple E’s old domain will be phased out so we want to encourage all our clients to update their bookmarks to