Triple E
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Triple E quotes will provide you with a bespoke quote for corded, motorised and walkalong track layouts.

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With an impressive UDL of 1070 kg/m UniBeam is the ultimate track for drape and scenery applications in theatres and film studios worldwide.

Dimensionally identical to UniTrack and incredibly strong, UniBeam shares many common components with it’s sister track. As an extruded aluminium profile UniBeam is available in 6.1 m (20') lengths and can be rolled to a minimum radius of 2 m (6'6"). Steel plates and grub screws are used to join and align track sections. The symmetrical design allows it to be used either way up and the continuous top slot allows components to be fitted anywhere along it’s length. Precision ball-raced runners and scenery carriers as well as nylon sheaved pulleys are used for UniBeam from the UniTrack range.

The heaviest-duty track in the Triple E range, UniBeam is the perfect choice for large scenic items, LED walls, arena drapes, camera tracks and more.

Key Points

If you are looking for an alternative curtain track more suitable to your requirements, learn about our theatre curtain tracks to help find the right track for you or return to our product range.


There are a number of diagrams available for this system, showing possible layouts and product dimensions.

UniBeam Documents

Get a Quote

Triple E will provide you with a bespoke quote for corded, motorised and walkalong track layouts.